A Room of My Own

the inner ramblings of a self-declared geek

By the Power of GraySkull August 13, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — aroomofmyown @ 12:39 pm

Just a quick post in honor of the first peeps to leave me comments.  I cannot believe I used to watch that all the time.  My poor mother.  Also, it’s interesting to me that in He-Man, it’s by the power of Grayskull, but in She-Ra the phrase is for the honor of Grayskull.  It’s totally the whole stud vs. slut double standard between men and women, but whatever.  I’m going to stop deconstructing the gender issues of my childhood cartoons.  As a quick P.S. to that thought, I completely do not remember He-Man and She-Ra being brother and sister.  It kind of makes some of my previous action-figure usage borderline incestuous, I think.

Also, apparently I am creating an addendum to the whole movie-quote-as-a-title thing.  Let’s include TV shows as well.  I mean, I should be able to post about 367 times with Buffy quotes alone. 

Thanks to everyone who’s left a comment so far, including my ‘burb buddy and my witty roommate.